Pizza Hut
7001 Bergenline Ave
Guttenberg, NJ 07093
Food quality - overall I find Pizza Hut to be greasy. Most of the time when I eat from this chain, it does not do well
on my insides
Service - at times, this place has been extremely slow. Though they are friendly, they've screwed up on occasion with
the order, and one time did not inform me that my order was going to take 1 hour to deliver because of many orders and short
staff that night
Cleanliness - inside the ordering area is pretty well maintained, though there is no place to sit and dine. I don't remember
if there is a bathroom
Misc - overall I will not buy from here unless we have a coupon or they are offering some special deal. This restaurant
charges for delivery, so we will not tip the driver at all. Grade: C+
Pizza Hut
160 US Highway 46 E
Lodi, NJ 07644
Food quality - quality is about the same as other Pizza Huts, on the greasy side. The dessert is pretty good (see Misc)
Service - great service for buffet. Never took out before
Cleanliness - restaurant is well maintained in dining area. Bathroom was relatively clean
Price - the lunch buffet is the reason to come here. I believe it is $6.99, all you can eat. Other pizza offerings are
the same as normal Pizza Huts
Misc - as for Pizza Hut, this restaurant so far has the highest rating. This is because of their all you can eat buffet.
Price is extremely affordable. They offer many varieties of pizza, along with spaghetti, and I believe some salad. They do
offer a pizza dessert which has blueberries inside. I haven't been here in awhile, so their offerings may be slightly different.
The only other time I've seen a Pizza Hut buffet was in Hawaii. Grade: B+